Walter Siegfried Hahn was born in 1958 in rural Bavaria. He was first trained as a gardener and has been involved with bio-dynamic agriculture and Anthroposophy since 1975. His social and political engagement brought him to “Social Threefolding” and renowned artist Joseph Beuys. After further training in economics and Polish and Czech language he started a trade business based in Poland and Germany, just after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
In 1994 he co-founded the Layenhof, a community of hundred people (It still exists today) on a former US military airport in Mainz, Germany (swords to ploughshares). From 1997 to 2007 he was managing director of the Freudenberg Experience-Field, an exhibition to nurture the senses, that has given rise to similar sites in Europe and elsewhere. As part of his activities there, he hosted conferences for business, culture and civil society along with performances of lecturers and artists from around the world and the omnibus for direct democracy (free international university).
He has been lecturing on the senses, Threefolding, Self-Development and the key organisational issues of change, team building and relationship management and other themes in some 20 countries since 1995. Founder of FJGG (Voluntary Year for Social Sculpture) in 2005 and Erfahrungsfeld Bauernhof (agriculture as an experience-field) in 2006. Together with sculptor Impy Pilapil he put up the first experience-field in Asia at the Ateneo de Manila in the first half of 2008.
He has been writing for various German-speaking magazines and a news agency since 2001 and published his first two books in German in 2009, one on the experience-field, the other one (co-authored) on sustainable economy (spirit=capital), and another one on the senses in 2010.
He is married to eurythmist and medical doctor Grace Zozobrado-Hahn and lives in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, the home of their enterprise Koberwitz 1924 Inc., a non-stock non profit organization founded to take care of food security and teach bio-dynamic agriculture, holistic nutrition and medical care as well as supporting Waldorf Education and community building.
Quote: “Actually, we are in the transportation business. We move minds.” Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead.
It is important that we learn to look at our world from the perspective of a country like the Philippines and use it as a yardstick for future social action. Hardly any other country in the world offers more challenges and if you hold on to an inner thread despite hard setbacks, then you belong to those people who should be supported by all of us. Walter and Grace realize the spiritual and practical life impulse for biodynamic agriculture of 1924 in Koberwitz in a tropical landscape of the Far East. They move safely in an incredibly strong nature with all its fertility and simultaneous destructiveness, volcanoes and hurricanes, and with a population whose average age of 22 years is not even half of the age in Central Europe. In addition to their daily work, we must admire their tireless commitment to culture, which, in the tension between Europe and the Far East, continues to create something new. I wish them continued strength, health and courage on Palawan!
Tobias Langscheid