David Yambio and Jérôme Tubiana
One of the saddest and most revulsive stories and certainly the most protracted one enfolding in our times is that of the dealings with refugees on the run. Since 2021 those stranded in Libya have at least a voice which made it heard: David Yambio. The autobiographical sketch below, which David has written for this […]
Nomination by Dimi Dumortier Born in Dinant (Belgium) in 1977, Quentin Dujardin entered the world of classical music very early with his father, who was an unconditional fan of organ music (Bach, Franck, Messiaen, Duruflé, etc.). Quentin was a faithful student at the local music school where he studied guitar, music theory, music history and […]
Sundar Robert Dreyfus, *1947
Sat Chit Ananda In times like these, one encounters few who ‘shine’ – and even fewer who are able to give this light unconditionally to their fellow human beings. Sundar is such an exception. Born into the Jewish tradition of his parental home, to which he is deeply attached to this day, he soon discovered […]
Walter Siegfried and Grace Zozobrado Hahn
Walter Siegfried Hahn was born in 1958 in rural Bavaria. He was first trained as a gardener and has been involved with bio-dynamic agriculture and Anthroposophy since 1975. His social and political engagement brought him to “Social Threefolding” and renowned artist Joseph Beuys. After further training in economics and Polish and Czech language he started […]
Sergio Santos
Some people have more civil courage and some have more spiritual courage and determination – and some have both in equal measure: that’s what’s the case with Sergio. His childhood was the least what could be called a happy one. Overshadowed by the antagonism between local Catalonians (his father’s family) and the surrounding ‘Spaniards’ (his mother is from […]
Have led since young years and until today a life committed to social justice and inner truth, which knew neither fear nor laziness. – Even a synopsis of their vitae can hardly be summarized on one page; nothing, therefore, for the weary in reading, which may be forgiven. t.a. —– His parents separated at birth […]
These are two people who came to Germany from Australia and America, or better, from Taiwan where they met, fell in love and started to make their music some ten years ago. They are young and beautiful but even more, resilient, artistic, hard working and giving all for creating life and environment in a way […]
“Soyez patient à l’égard de tout ce qui dans votre cœur est encore irrésolu, et tentez d’aimer les questions elles-mêmes comme des pièces closes et comme des livres écrits dans une langue fort étrangère. Ne cherchez pas pour l’instant des réponses, qui ne sauraient vous être données ; car vous ne seriez pas en mesure […]
(…)Et quand le soir à la télé Monsieur le bon roi a parlé Venu annoncer la sentence Nous faisons preuve d’irrévérence Mais toujours avec élégance Nous on veut continuer à danser encore Voir nos pensées enlacer nos corps Passer nos vies sur une grille d’accords Oh, non non non non non non Nous on veut […]
Katharina Lehmann put her job on the line for the sake of the truth – and lost. As a psychologist, Dr. phil. with her own practice and a permanent position on the Zurich city police force, she could truly have had a quiet life. However, Katharina was not willing to compromise on the truth, stepped […]